Rokt Ecommerce
The Vitamin Shoppe adds profit while improving their customer experience with Rokt Ecommerce

5% average engagement rate with third-party offers
0 customer questions or complaints after one year
The Challenge
The Vitamin Shoppe had often discussed—and repeatedly rejected—the idea of adding third party monetization to their site. The health and wellness space is incredibly competitive, and the team worked hard to win their audience and drive traffic. It didn’t seem worth it to jeopardize conversions by driving people off-site, and they weren’t sure monetization was on brand for them.
The Solution
With Rokt they saw a different opportunity to generate additional profit completely post-transaction. Now, The Vitamin Shoppe could easily test monetization strategies without risking sales.
They also saw opportunities for more control with Rokt. Not only did the placement look native, but they could easily choose the categories and brands they showed to customers, ensuring brand alignment.
Key Results
The Vitamin Shoppe decided to test monetizing their confirmation page by showing premium offers with Rokt, and they wanted to do it thoughtfully.
After a simple and straightforward implementation, they launched a completely native experience, embedded directly in the confirmation page. The revenue outperformed their initial expectations – customers were engaging with offers more than they expected, delivering a new profit channel for the business.
By using machine learning to deliver true relevancy to each customer, they found customers were enjoying these new offers. And despite their fears of customer complaints, one year later, they didn’t see a single customer question, email or concern.
An Evolving Partnership
After a successful test, The Vitamin Shoppe went on to launch Rokt in their mobile app using Rokt’s mobile SDK and they continue to explore expansion opportunities.